Sarah's chocolates done. Very yummy too ! Wonder if they would be even yummier with another shot of Bailey's lol. Maybe can sell. But first must perfect the look. The balls all different sizes & some dun look like balls lol. Hand made mah, got no mould.
My tiramisu done but was si beh lecheh ! No finger biscuits at ntuc nevermind. None at cold storage also. Sarah went to United Square & Novena Square outlets for me last evening & there were none. We were told it was available at Jason's but only 3 packs left. Did not want to go all the way down to find its all gone.
So decided to use sponge cake instead. Whaddya know ! No sponge cake around our place & at J8. Worse, no more marscapone cheese. I had two tubs but wanted to make a bigger tiramisu so needed one more. Grrrrrr. Ended up using butter cake. Made a small tasting portion to see if it was alright with the cake. And it was good ! Enough kopi & just the right amount of liquer. Actually just a hint of it. Some would say not enuff but what to do, party is G-rated. Ne'ermnd, I'll do better for the R21 occasions :p
So decided to use sponge cake instead. Whaddya know ! No sponge cake around our place & at J8. Worse, no more marscapone cheese. I had two tubs but wanted to make a bigger tiramisu so needed one more. Grrrrrr. Ended up using butter cake. Made a small tasting portion to see if it was alright with the cake. And it was good ! Enough kopi & just the right amount of liquer. Actually just a hint of it. Some would say not enuff but what to do, party is G-rated. Ne'ermnd, I'll do better for the R21 occasions :p
Took the opportunity to clean the roof outside our bedroom window when it rained this afternoon. So much bird shit. There is a pair of mynahs who hang out on our roof. They've built a nest just under the roof thingys but we haven't heard any baby birds calling yet. The mynahs are okay so we leave them be. Sometimes too noisy in the mornings & they poop too much.
Must speak to sarah again later. She told me some of what happened but she sounds so upset in her blog. Worried, must find out if there is more & what else or who else is bugging her.
Lament for the day : Everyone must be making tiramisu for Easter Sunday.
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