Thursday, 28 June 2007

Had meeting with diva yesterday together with her ex-boss so that we get everything straight & on the record. I did my piece on work processes etc. Her ex-boss grilled her on a few items diva brought to my attention which were inaccurate, clarified & verified it was previously discussed & agreed upon. Guess diva was trying her luck with me lolol. As the archives contain some important and valuable items as well as one of the servers, we mentioned that there would be a possibility of a camera installed.

LOL it was funny & annoying the reaction. "I don't like a camera looking at me ! I don't want a camera pointed at me!!!" Very adamantly. I patiently explained that our entire office except this room hasn't got a camera & it is not to look at her but to ensure that no one fiddles with the server or anything else in the room. And I had to explain that no one is sitting there looking at the TV screens for all the cameras. Its not like in the movies...duh. If anything should happen, we can look at the tapes & then find out what happened.

Let's just say the entire meeting was a little exasperating & I felt like I was dealing with a child though she is older than me. We all work for an organisation which has procedures & policies. It ain't no mum & pop shop. These policies, procedures & even SOPS ensure that all is in place, employees don't take advantage or be taken advantage of. Its not strict rules for goodness sake so why be so resistent. Infact we have been very flexible with her. Guess she doesn't want to be caught sleeping or playing card games on comp lor.

Lament for the day : ughhhhh I am tired of the divas & prima donnas around me.