Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Sarah's article appeared in a spread page in Catholic News last weekend. Proud moment for us all ! Of course we told all the family lah though she said no need lol. All the family are very proud of her. Then its honour's day this Sat & she gets 1st prize for English yet again.

Kinda busy at work...stuff keep popping up. But manageable & have met my datelines so that's good. But it is annoying when other folks don't provide us with the info in time or when the info has changed & they forget to tell us. Ahhhh well...

And so my birthday passed uneventfully. I have gotten to the stage and age where its no big deal becos I am a year older. The years just keep piling on & I so do hate the numbers ! Kiddos & hubby got me a nice peranakan style hand held mirror which I have placed in my display case. Sweet ! Plus the new Harry Potter book which will be delivered soon.

My staff got me some gifts though I had said not to. Nice crystal container for my knick knacks, another for my rings and a nice silver brooch. Pretty. Another colleague took me to a nice buffet lunch yesterday at merchant court hotel. Today was another lunch, indonesian. And I bought myself a nice silver bracelet as a treat for myself lol.

Have been doing abit of shopping with sarah...or is it alot ?? lol She has some nice new clothes, plus toiletries & perfume from bodyshop. I bought a couple of tops from esprit & at bodyshop, picked up my powder refill, gloss & a nice rougeberry perfume, light & fruity. My face scents are Happy for men from clinque, DKNY's Delicious & now this from bodyshop.

Watched Transformers last weekend & I was surprised to have enjoyed it. Its entertaining. I liked the transforming sequences, very cool. The storyline was a little bit weak & there was weak acting, like from the FBI guy who was reduced to his underwear. But other than that it was entertaining. I'm not sure if it should make it into my list of definitely watchable. I'll decide at the end of the post.

I am still reading China Wakes. I have been pre-occuppied with Fox crime channel plus other programmes on telly. It is not an easy breezy read but very interesting information about the country, policies, the way they manage the country or mismanage, the oppression, what foreign visitors see or are allowed to see & what they don't see. But to be fair, the book is not entirely negative. Written by two foreign journalists who were based there for a number of years, both of whom speak mandarin. I reckon the chinese government did not receive this book well when it was first published. I should finish this soon to get into Harry Potter when it arrives.

Lament for the day : the demise of the poor angsana beware of reckless speeding drivers.