The saga continues...Toby married Bell, Massa Waller's house slave. They have a daughter Kizzy who was sold at 16 becos she forged a letter for her boyfriend so that he could run away. She became pregnant by her new "massa" & now has a son, George (whom those who have read the book or seen the series will remember as Chicken George). Kizzy is ashamed becos her son is half white, & she worries what her parents would think. Massa Waller's estate consists of all pure black slaves, Bell would boast. Toby of course hates the white man for having snatched him from his family in Africa & hates the "sasso borro"; blacks with some white blood.
It was a weird day but in a good way. Within a span of an hour while at the gallery, I met 2 old friends whom I had not seen in at least a dozen years.
This man, walks into my path while I am talking to the technicians so I move aside & he gets in my way again. I look up & was about to tell him off & I see Michael an ex-colleague from my second job in an ad agency. We reminisce about other ex-colleagues. Then I had to get back to what I was doing.
About an hour later I see 3 guys standing outside the gallery deciding whether to come in & so I approach them. And one of them yells in excitement "heyyyyyy how are you ???? Long time no seeeee !!!" Its Richard whom I met in my next job at raffles hotel. Richard has been in Bali with his partner for the last dozen years & now is back as his partner is now working here. And so we reminisce too.
Met sarah after work & headed to J8 as she wanted to look at shoes. Bought 2 pairs for her. Picked up a nice ring from Swatch. They have some nice costume jewelley & we have a few pieces from there. She has this bracelet I bought her last year that has a heart & you slip in the arrow which clasps it on. She gleefully tells everyone who asks her about it that her boyfriend bought it for her. And she comes home telling me who believed her LOL.
Planning to take her out on Friday afternoon again after the meet the parents sessions in the schools. Have taken half the afternoon off. Not sure if sarah's school requires me. She says unlikely cos she doesn't have disciplinary problems, never had since P1. We did go last year but it was misinfomation lol. Only she needed to go pick up report book, parent not needed if the student has not been problematic. But I am hoping to see her teacher this year as I have a few questions which the school principal did not respond to despite my 3 emails & a hand delivered letter. That really irks me !
Meeting with ryan's teacher should not result in anything negative as he has A's for english, math & science. He doesn't have disciplinary problems either but at least one parent is required to chat with class teacher. I will meet 2nd lang teacher as well as I will be interested to hear how much improvement he has made with chinese.
Lament for the day : Sarah & I were waiting in line to buy bao from a new store at J8. The customer before us had ordered & they got her orders all wrong. Only 9 baos...3 of each type also can salah. Better not buy, so we walk away. Then we queue for bakchang. The sales lady is busy chatting to a friend who is buying from her. She takes her time chatting about personal matters. Loud enuff that I could hear. We wait for a bit & she still ignores us. I walk away exasperated. We picked up some items for breakfast at polar, without a fuss !