Deal or No Deal is quite interesting. 'The banker' has a fat silhouette lol.
Seems like blogger is working fine now. Can remove page elements & the posting page is back to normal. That is great !
Ryan has A's in 3 subjects. Only Chinese koyak but got improvement from before. Sarah has an A for math which she was failing before & that is great. She didn't get an A for English as we expected as she has been for the past 2 years' exams. Nevermind, there is the final term exams to do it.
I received an annoying call today from a vendor selling his services to our organisation. I kept telling him we have other priorities etc & we are not in need of such facilities. He doesn't get it that his services do not really enhance what we already have. Very annoyingly persistent. Cannot tahan. Plus the audacity to say that it is a "special price valid only for the next 14 days from quotation". That is such a turn off. Such questionable tactics.
Lament for the day : mio replied to our email but never answered our questions.