Sunday, 8 April 2007

Party was good. Loads to eat as usual. And we ate & ate & ate from tea till dinner. Everyone was sooooo stuffed.

Sarah's chocs were a hit & we gave each family a small pack to take home. The tiramisu turned out very well. Grandnephew seen in photo blowing candle for his mum & ryan's b'day.

Grandniece's photo posted above...she is sooo angelic & all sweetness. She has an older brother (the one blowing the cake) & an older sister. All 3 of them are completely different in looks. The brother looks like a Eurasian mixed with Chinese, fair skinned. The sister looks like a dark skinned Eurasian, & she looks like indian & chinese mixed. Certain angles she looks like indian ang moh mixed. All 3 are good looking kids. Just like our two. heh.

Actually our family is a little United Nations; Indian, Eurasian, Filipino, Indonesian, Malay & Chinese. So when there is a party, its nice to see the different races hanging out & having a good time. That's the great thing about inter-racial marriages. I think our family aptly represents the multi-racial society of Singapore. Very cool !

My mum didn't come today as she was having a little bit of a backache. But my godparents did & they were so taken in by grandnephew. He walked in, stuck out his hand & said Happy Easter ! So cute lah. I haven't been too well these couple of days but plodded on. Sux to be sicky on a weekend. Stupid thing is that I left my meds in the office...duh.

A couple of stories in the papers were topics of conversation.

When the story on the guy
with the 10 wives, 64 kids & 3 jumbo flats first broke, I was amazed at how he could afford to take care of all of his wives & kids. His marriages were not registered here so the authorities didn't know. I was even more amazed at how dumb the 3 or 4 wives were to have allowed him to commit incest with their daughters. He told his wives that it was written so in their religion. With 10 wives can have orgy but still not enough. Caligula wannabe ? Not only does he but the dumb wives too deserve imprisonment & the caning. See what I mean by abusing religion for own agenda. Actually I blame the wives for letting him do the stuff he did. They had the power to stop him but they didn't. Not one wife, its a few of them so they could have ganged up on him. This is the epitome of stupidity.

Not the most apt time to talk about the other even sicker story. But that one so incenses me that I just have to have my say about the guy who sexually abused his 2 year old stepdaughter, killed her & dumped her body. Then can pretend to be worried & go looking for her with the police. Farking bastard ! Go to jail & let the inmates rape him over & over again. With whatever instruments they can find till his asshole is as big as his head. This type cannot be death sentence. Must be slooooow torture first. Tie him down ass up & a horny stallion for company.
Vlad's scalping & impalement also can.

Lament for the day : arrrgh Monday tomorrow !