arrrgh...the diva !! Dunno how she got around to the big boss, we reckon via email & managed to get her way in some things. She told me not too long ago..."I thought I better check with you, go through the right channel...." Chey ! Say only, bypass me twice already !!!!!!!!!!! Bugger it lah.
Ryan's new guitar ! Last weekend Swee Lee had a sale, up to 50% off for their musical instruments. Ry sold his electric guitar & wanted to get something better. So instead of buying second hand from an online forum, we took him to Swee Lee when he told us of the sale. Loads of nice guitars but soooo pricey, we thought. Till Ry asked the sales person if the prices were before or after discount. It was before & the guitar he wanted was 50% off, brand new. Aiyo ! How not to buy ! Good thing is Ry saved his own money plus he had cash from the sale. We topped up a little & he picked up an Epiphone Les Paul (or something liddat) priced at over $900 before discount. Very good deal compared to a second hand one he was looking at which was going for some $400 odd. For that price, you get it brand new. Ry had already told the dealer not to reserve it for him so no harm done on that end. But now Ry has no money to buy birthday presents for hubby & me lol. Or anything else for himself lololol.
We like the idea that the kids save up to buy an item they desire. They learn the value of money & don't expect us to fork out whenever they want a luxury item. It is a good habit & we strongly encourage it. Both kiddos have been jamming together & have been enjoying it. Their task is to learn Samba Parti or Breezin' by Christmas for us lol.
Work has been fine lor. Sometimes a little bit exasperating. But mainly it is just ok. Not happy doo dah, yet not horrific hell. It fluctuates close to the latter sometimes like all work place, though not often. But heavely bells don't ring either. Garden of Eden perhaps where sometimes the serpent rears its ugly head ? Typical of all workplaces lol.
Another celebrity visit end of the month & this one (whom I dunno but vaguely heard of), I am told, will invite the hordes of adoring & the curious. Uggggh !!
Got the kids new mattresses as their's are at least 10 years old. Had to visit a few places before we made a decision. And I was pretty surprised that they cost quite a bit ! Not the pasar malam type lah but not the high end type either. The better than pasar malam type is averaging $200 per piece. Also ordered a new headboard for Ry's bed. Sarah doesn't need one as her's is nice & still fairly new. One of the shops we went to had all these mattresses brands advertised on the building & happily we went in. The lady asked us what budget & we said $200. She promptly showed us one that was $400. Harloooow ??? Ask budget for what hah ? One of those that don't listen, just out for a quick sale. And when we asked for a certain brand which we knew was in budget, she say dun have. Then why the brand advertised hah ? Asked is anything in our budget, dun have. Wah liao, then dun open mouth & ask what budget lah. Just say, "our mattresses are priced from what-what upwards". So we don't waste each other's time. But maybe she was bored cos there was no one else in the shop & now we know why lol. It is not an obscure furniture shop. Sigh...
Tomorrow is hubby's birthday. Dinner at Shashlik...yum ! Borsch soup here I come ! Ryan's face lit up when we mentioned it. Didn't know what to get for hubby so asked him is I could pay partially for his over $200 case for his reels. Phew ! He said yes. Heng aaah...otherwise sure end up buying a shirt lah or a tee lah or a belt lah or cologne lah. Gifts for men are a little more boring. Women have so much more choices and possibilities lol.
Not posting as much as I would like as am usually tired from facing the comp when I get back home from work. Plus now we have new channels on cable lololol. So yeah...beeeezeeeeeeeee !
I still haven't found a cheap exercise bike. Don't need the fancy type. Simple one that does the job will do. Second hand also can. Went to cash converters but honestly, alot of the stuff quite icky ! Got no exercise bike anyway. I need the exercise bike for exercise lah & also to improve knee condition. Can't do high impact so start slowly on the cycle & shall see how it goes.
Oh I had a dizzy spell this morning. Do not know why. But it did not persist. I don't think it was from hunger as I did have breakfast.
Hmmm cigarettes went up & it is more than the 2% Gst increase. Their calculator must be different from mine. And so I have begun to cut down.
Lament for the day : I think I feel a cold coming on...yuck !