Arrrrggghhh Sanjaya is still in ! Dunno what else to say except wah piang !
Sarah came home from camp with a bee sting on her leg. Its swollen & painful. Hopefully it isn't a serious bite from some other insect. Hard to tell but she did pull the stinger out. She's a happy cookie since we had the talk last night. But happiness shortlived cos she has that bite & swelling. Pooooor baby.
Hopefully son is making progress now with Chinese tuition. Too soon to tell but I have my fingers, eyes, toes, legs crossed.
Why do people procrastinate ? Honestly, get the job over & done with & its off the "to do" list. Then can move on to do other things. Here's my beef...
We a had a team that took part in a tourney & received rewards. Captain was handed the rewards to distribute as is fitting since that's what captains do. Decide how it should be distributed, make suggestions on how it may be used etc etc.
Anyway, it wasn't done immediately. Infact, members weren't informed of the rewards. Not everyone was aware that we received rewards.
After a couple of weeks one of the team members who knew, called me to enquire what happened. So as vice-captain I wrote a group email explaining how the rewards came about & requested the captain to let us know how would the rewards be distributed. Got a response from captain on when to meet to collect as he was going to be at this place for a game at such a time.
Obviously not everyone free to travel there. Which is expected. So 6 outta 10 didn't get their rewards. The 4 who did were the captain himself & the other 3 who were there for a game. I was one of the 4 as hubby was there for a game as well & picked it up for me.
After that last arrangement, for weeks the captain didn't contact the rest. Well, I didn't know at that time. CNY came & went. And we are now into March (the rewards came end January). Then one of the members tells me that he still didn't get his rewards. Sigh. So I send an email this week to remind & offered to take over the task. Which received a response.
Captain emails sorry he was hospitalised for the last 3 days. We are all sympathetic. And he says he will do it & asked members for their account numbers so that he could make the transfers. So all was hunky dory.
So I thought.
Today I get an email from the captain asking for MY account number (I received my rewards already) so that the rewards can be sent to me & distributed. In other words ask me to do lah.
This pissed me off royally. Off went an email response. Few points :-
1) The issue is not the 3 days of hospitalisation. More than a month as passed for this to be done.
2) Plenty of time to contact the members. 10 members only, not 100. And to boot, 10 minus 4 leaves only 6.
3) Cannot say dunno how to contact members as captain & vice captain has everyone's mobile numbers. Plus we have a group email.
4) At the very start, if don't want to do or got no time then say so. I would have done it as vice-captain.
5) Why only respond when I send emails to query.
6) Should have accepted my offer made in my second email. Instead, didn't & say will do.
7) Must have realised damned lecheh, so conveniently send me email to do. It wasn't even phrased a request to assist.
I refused. Just because I did my job as a vice-captain while we were active doesn't make me a sucker all the time & a girl Friday. I did it then for the team. Heck, I have my own assistant at work but I don't take her for granted. Made my point & told captain to deal with it himself. My offer to take over is off the table as it was not taken up in the first place.
Captain sends apology email. Too late in my reckoning. And I'm not the one to apologise to. Its the other members.
Its not the money issue. Its not a large amount at all. Cannot run away & buy house in JB or Thailand. Maybe (not sure) can buy budget ticket to Bankgok plus a few dollars left over. That's how unsubstantial the amount. So to set the record straight, we are not making accusations of that nature.
It just all boils down to plain old responsibility. There is no rocket science involved in the division of the rewards by the way. Not getting such a little task done in so many weeks means it ain't priority & procrastination. But when it involves other people, it should be priority.
So that's my issue today. I am such a grumpy old sod.
On to happy stuff. Hubby signed up for Mio last evening. Along with it comes a promo to buy a mobile phone at a good price. After I traded in my N70, I paid just $28 for a newer model. Too coooool ! I would have been a stupid cow not to jump on it anyway.
Time out & tomorrow...TGIF ! Plus I get to meet Eve tmr. Now that thought perks me up quite a bit !