So I tried to talk to sarah just now about what happened. I still have no idea & she doesn't want to say...sigh. Now I will have sleepless night wondering what happened.
Dunno why some people so bladdy rude in their emails. One was sent to a colleague & it was rude. Then an enquiry was sent to me by the same person in a rude tone. Then I heard her complaining when I walked by. LOL. I don't really care. Office politics & bitching...its all quite normal.
Watched Just Follow Law last evening & was pleasantly surprised to be entertained. Not awed but it was quite funny.
We are now watching Royal Wedding starring Fred Astaire & Jane Powell. Sarah is into this old movies phase. This was released in 1951...even I not born yet lol.
Colleague who unfortunately has just resigned, lent me a couple of books The Good Women of China & China Wakes. I'm loaning her Roots (1977 edition) & Peaceful Warrior. I really want my Pearl S Buck books which I think are lurking in some dark corner of a shelf in my mum's store.
Lament for the day : I wonder what' s bothering her...siiiiiigh.