Sunday, 28 October 2007

Geez...its been a while ! Been hooked on FB & pogo lol.
Got me new laptop. A nice Dell, but good enough cos I never get to use the ones at home. Hubby is on one & kids are on the other. I bring my office laptop home but think its better to do my personal stuff on my own notebook.
Now let me see...what have I missed on blogging....
Work sux...
Live the Dream sux...
The operation sux....
The pain from the op sux...
BUT being home on MC till 7 Nov is awesome !
My first experience at surgery...
First of all, my op was scheduled for 4pm but I had to check in at 2pm for the post op prep which took less than 10 mins. Then I had to wait. The nice thing was I had my own room, TV & toilet.
And so the time comes & the nurse walks me to the operating theatre waiting area. The doctor administering the GA comes to see me. An ang mo & he asks the list of questions & explains the procedure. I tell him I am nervous. We chat for a bit.
Then he goes into the operating theatre. I am sitting at the reception area waiting for my surgeon. Then the head nurse walks me into the theatre & the anaesthecian asks if my surgeon is coming. Head nurse says yes...he says from where...Jurong ?? hurhurhur
I am asked to hop onto the bed...they give me a stool & I jest that I need a higher one. They laugh. I talk alot...bladdy nervous lah. Ang Mo anaesthecian & his assistant chat with me while they are trying to find the spot in my vein on my left hand. Two nurses stick monitors on me, whole lot happening left, right & even at my feet. I am freezing & I tell them. So there is a heater under the bed & they even blow hot air under my sheet. Nice. Then an oxygen mask is placed over me & I breathe. Oh ya, they poke twice before they got my vein :p POOF I am gone.
When I awake I am in the room...cannot remember what happened in the recovery area. Hubby comes with Sarah & we wait till I am less woozy, change & go home. I get this whole bag of painkillers & now that the local anaesthesia on the operated area has worn off, I know why I need so much painkillers LOL.
Its the third day after the op & I still feel pain & discomfort. Puked big time just now & I still have this slight numbness at the tip of my tongue. Appetite is bad too.