My son wanted to bring this lock for his school locker lolol. Probably locker door will drop off from weight of the lock lolol. I gave him a smaller one lah, the type we use for our luggage. hehehe this one is lock for the gate !
My visit to the urologist wasn't as simple as I expected. It was just meant to be a follow-up after a year from my stone episode to see if all ok. Anyway, now need to do a scope becos of my recent episode about 2 months ago. Tints of blood in my urine, which you can see just about see, not darkish though. It went away after a couple of days & there was no excruciating pain like before, just a dull ache in my back. Scan showed no swelling. Because there is little or no pain, she reckons its best to have a good look. Just to reassure ourselves. It could be nothing. So I have fixed up to do the scope later this month. Its dam expensive maaan !
There was a brochure they gave me to explain the procedure. I felt better when I saw how short a distance the scope had to travel from a woman's uretha to the bladder compared to the undulating longer distance for a man. Get the visual ? :p
But my problems are nothing compared to what the people of the Solomon Islands are going through now. Many dead & homeless. An April Fool's Day joke at its most brutal.
Reading up on tsunamis tells me that there have been many Tsunami occurrences. But we've really never paid much notice till December 2004. The 'T' word has never been more repeated since then.
I didn't know Japan was most prone to tsunamis, 195 over a 1,300 year period. But the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean is regarded as the worst ever though such occurrences in this region are supposed to be rare. Rare but not impossible. With the world's atmosphere changing, anything now is a possibility.
While we were in Phuket earlier this year & taking a drive all over the island, the driver pointed out to us places of where the tsunami occured, where mass graves were, how high & far in the waves got to. But you wouldn't believe this happened in 2004 as the island seems to have recovered. Hotels are up, bars, shops & streets are bustling, tourists are all over the island. Like it never happened.
But there are reminders ...the warning signs, bits of broken walls here & there, the graves. It serves to remind us of the fragility of the world & those who inhabit it.
This post has taken such a depressing tone :<
Lament for the day : Why are people fighting & killing when in a single sweep, nature could destroy everything. No lands, no oceans, no animals, no us...
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