My son was approached by a lady in his school who had come to pick up her son. She recognized his unusual last name. Told him she knew his dad & mum & mentioned our names. Turns out she is an old old friend of mine from school.
School was eons ago. We were great friends in secondary school & drifted apart after that. Went to separate schools, had different friends etc. You know, the usual with growing up & changes.
Growing old...growing older I mean, has made me more nostalgic. So I kept bugging Ryan to give my mobile number to auntie Eve's son. And kids will be kids, sure to forget. Or so I thought.
The 2 boys bumped into each in school & finally got me the number. Ryan says number was exchanged in the toilet !
I called straight away. It was really nice to talk to her after over 20 years. We'll be meeting up soon to catch up on lost years. Got her email address also just to be sure incase I lost my mobile phone lah or dropped it into the toilet lah...
It would seem that recently has been a time for old friends. Not too long ago, an old friend tracked me down to where I work from seeing my name in the newspapers. Ohhh nothing exciting in the papers about me lah, just some boring quote from me about work stuff.
I met up with old old friends Matt & Lu. We had dinner, a good time reminiscing & got updated with the latest. Some of it not the best of news. Cancer never is. I was saddened by that but also uplifted that my friend is living life as best as he can & the way he desires. Its bitter sweet.
Then another old buddy decides to call me out of the blue before CNY. We were in Phuket for a family holiday at that time when Rickie called. I said I was in Phuket & he says, I just left Phuket. He was posted to Phuket in December & I thought he was still in China. Ah well...nevermind, most importantly we met up for gu bak hor fun at Geylang. Still CNY so my fave tau huey chwee store next to the gu bak hor fun was not open.
Conicidentally Matt was in Phuket at the same time as we were. We met his mum, aunt, sister, brother, kids...the whole gang. It was sweet. We did have a scare though when his daughter & my Sarah went off to braid their hair & didn't come back after more than an hour. They were due to check out & catch a flight. All turned out well. Long hair needed more time for the braiding so we discovered duh !
And tomorrow, its lunch with another old friend, Anth. Haven't seen her in a couple of years. Not as long as Matt, Lu & Eve.
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