Funny how people can change even over a short period of time. Hadn't seen this person in around 2 years & quite suprised at the changes. Got an air of arrogance, talks like know everything, use words I dun understand. Maybe just to confuse us further & pull wool over our eyes. All we wanted to know was why, how & when. In simple engrish lah. Hazy days are back in more ways than one lol.
Was waiting at taxi stand at Great World City. Second in line. After the front customer boarded teksi, was my turn. But before the 1st customer's cab could drive off, one ang moh in suit approached the second taxi (which was MINE!!). He was holding a piece of paper, obviously wanting to know if the driver knew where it was & to take him. Not ang moh's fault cos he is most likely a foreigner, didn't know there was a taxi stand. But taxi man took him ! I forgot to take taxi number down.
I know I am bladdy short lah but there was nothing blocking the taxi driver from seeing me waiting. I could have run there & banged on door but high heels leh. And besides got a whole long line of cabs & no other passengers. Honestly it was a completely unobstructed view. Maybe taxi man blind in which case he shouldn't be driving.
I grumbled to my cab driver & he said he saw me so cannot be that the taxi driver infront of him couldn't see me. Sigh.
Then as my cab was at Newton Circus, another cab (it has to be a cab!) from the right lane cuts into our lane (we going straight) to make a left. Lucky my cab was going slow otherwise sure to have accident. Blasted his horn & the other taxi driver just stopped & looked like not happy, that kind of "&^%*@! Kua si mi" look. But he was in the wrong.
I don't drive but I think Newton Circus is one helluva confusing circle to go around & to boot, plenty of traffic. Dunno who is coming from where & turning to where. Why not get rid of the circle & go simple with traffic lights.
I always wondered why its Newton Circus & not Newton Circle. But apparently circus doesn't just mean the circus with the clowns, elephants, trapeze artists. It is also, in British definition, "an open circle, square, or plaza where several streets converge". Like Piccadilly Circus.
Watching The American Haunting on DVD. Heh...dunno why I want to scare myself. Many many many years ago, I watched The Exorcist, as a very young teenager, on video. Alone at home. I still have visions of some parts of the movie. As an adult I have never watched it again. Hubby says now if we watch it will probably seem funny. But I don't think so. Some of the scenes are really quite disturbing to me till this day. Plus now old, dun want to scare myself into a heart attack. I do watch horror movies & don't usually get frightened. But why take the risk lol.
Interesting conversation over dinner. Ryan's birthday falls on Good Friday where we generally fast, no meat. Usually just sardines sandwiches. So I was telling Ryan no b'day cake & mum in law says cake can because no meat. Well yes. But I understand that it is fasting & abstinence. The latter would to me mean, abstaining from indulging in something which gives you pleasure. So that would mean no cake as that would be indulging in something enjoyable. Hubby says when he was young, he wasn't even allowed to watch TV on Good Friday. I guess it has become a little more relaxed over the years. So customs and beliefs are man-made & tailored or adjusted according to fashions of the time & perhaps even convenience.
Why is it "Good" Friday as that was the day of Christ's cruxifiction. So I checked it up. Apparently, 'Good' implies that Christ died "to free everyone from sin, & suffering & death are not pointless". That is according to the Church. I am not sure if I understand this concept. Are the guilty sinless as the world continues to be plagued with war, dissension, fear, suspicion, greed, hate, pain & suffering, most of which are caused by man ? Are the natural disasters now so prevalent, signs of something impending ? Very Nostradamus hor. Which I read many years ago as a teen. I can't say if I believe Nostradamus or not. Just like I can't say if I believe in the Da Vinci Code. Though I did enjoy the book. Much much more than the movie. The latter was a huge disappointment.
I'm not an Atheist. I came from a Catholic school & am married to a Catholic family. Religion is good as it builds a strong moral foundation. I am glad my kids are religious. But I believe religion should never be taken to the extreme as it can breed discord. No religion teaches you anything bad. It is man that makes it so by interpreting the teachings & beliefs the way they want them to be. Not misinterpretation or misconception. Rather a deliberatel mis-use.
Today I very cheem, dunno why. Just my thoughts lah.
Lament for the day : jialat...must figure out menu for the big family Easter Sunday do.
ryan aint that religious, it ME who is. hah :D
make tiramisu! and i;ll make the chocolate truffles!
ehmaagosh, i remember a time i didnt like tiramisu. haha.
err just chocolates & tiramisu not enuff.
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