Ok I stand corrected. Sarah doesn't want to make a case of the rumours & she says she is over it.
Sarah is taking English express. Somone in the school boo booed big time. I wrote to the principal a couple of days ago to ask why sarah couldn't do express english despite her topping her normal level since sec 1. When she asked her teacher, she was told cannot as she was the only one.
Apparently, since last Nov, she was earmarked to start 2007 doing express english. BUT no one told her. Infact, the class she was supposed to join had scheduled their english lessons to the same timing as her normal class so that she would not miss other subjects.
But when she didn't join the express class, they thought she wasn't interested. No one checked with her. On hindsight, I should have written in earlier as she has lost 6 months. Apparently the HOD told both english teachers of her present class & the express class. Her own teacher did not tell her & actually said that if the HOD did not see her, then cannot lor.
What a mess ! Go figure who screwed up. I told sarah to make it clear to the HOD who went to see her, the conversations which transpired. Her new teacher said she would make every effort to help her catch up. And the teacher said that if she does not do as well, it is not sarah's fault.
At least I feel better that there are efforts to help individual students to excel. It is heartening. As for why the principal did not answer my emails, the person who was manning the generic mailbox probably screwed up & didn't forward my mails from last Nov to her. Another cock-up. Waaah liao !
Today there was a weird incident. A man went to our restaurant for a meal. After he paid up & was taking the lift down, saw a poster that the restaurant would offer a $2 rebate for parking if they dined at the restaurant. So he went up again. Staff said no problem, just give us the receipt so that they could void it & provide him with a new receipt with the $2 taken off. He said no. Just take $2 to give to him. He insisted & made alot of noise despite the manager explaining & being as patient & as nice as possible.
The restaurant didn't ask questions. All the proof they need is flash a carkey, fill in some info on form (so that we can verify if there is a hint of cheating from staff). Don't even check if he parked at the building or elsewhere. Cos if park elsewhere then not entitled lah but gave customer benefit of the doubt. Only $2, don't make it so difficult. But also dun make it easy for staff to cheat.
This is a proper restaurant & we are a large renowned organisation which was listed for a number of years until voluntary delisting recently. Not some two bit corner stall that can easily take $2 from the till. There are procedures to follow. How to explain $2 missing at the end of the day when finance queries ?? Small amount but still it is not conforming to procedures & especially when it involves money. From $2, it can escalate. What if there are 100 customers like this ? $200 missing. How ?
Can afford to eat in a fine restaurant but think like that. So bladdy ugly. But the ugliest part is yet to come...
So he calls HQ & speaks to the lady in charge of marketing for the restaurant. She explains. He refuses to listen & says that to pacify a customer, the manager could have easily taken out $2 from his own pocket. What the fuck ???? No principles, no morals & so fucking cheapskate. He ends by saying that he still wants his $2.
He spent 15 mins at the restaurant arguing. So easy to take out receipt & have it voided & re-issued. Be done in 5 mins. Then take time to call HQ somemore. Unless he is planning to cheat his own company ?? Claim makan as entertainment with the receipt & pocket the $2 ?? Who knows, low enough to suggest that the manager take $2 from his own personal pocket to give to him, then dirty enough to cheat. Or he just got too much time on his hands.
Lament for the day : how low can a person go !