Thursday, 28 June 2007
LOL it was funny & annoying the reaction. "I don't like a camera looking at me ! I don't want a camera pointed at me!!!" Very adamantly. I patiently explained that our entire office except this room hasn't got a camera & it is not to look at her but to ensure that no one fiddles with the server or anything else in the room. And I had to explain that no one is sitting there looking at the TV screens for all the cameras. Its not like in the movies...duh. If anything should happen, we can look at the tapes & then find out what happened.
Let's just say the entire meeting was a little exasperating & I felt like I was dealing with a child though she is older than me. We all work for an organisation which has procedures & policies. It ain't no mum & pop shop. These policies, procedures & even SOPS ensure that all is in place, employees don't take advantage or be taken advantage of. Its not strict rules for goodness sake so why be so resistent. Infact we have been very flexible with her. Guess she doesn't want to be caught sleeping or playing card games on comp lor.
Lament for the day : ughhhhh I am tired of the divas & prima donnas around me.
Monday, 25 June 2007
Her job is simple, she records on comp & stores away items we want to keep for historical record. All she needs to do is cut & paste the information onto the template I created for the weekly report. What is the big deal ? She says when she was hired, it was meant to be a stress-less job, no rush, no datelines, as she pleases. Who is rushing her ? Still stress-less what. I didn't set any datelines, I just want to know progress so that my boss also knows what's happening. As I am custodian of this particular section, it would be ridiculous if I knew naught of what is happening.
And it is not as she pleases. We all work for a boss & it ain't her own hole in the wall shop. I was told that other people have heard her chatting long on the phone, playing card games on comp & worst of all, snoring !!!!
We are all required to give weekly progress reports to our boss. So I need to attach her section to my own report. I need to know her work progress, my boss needs to know our progress & his boss needs to know everyone's. Sheesh ! Imagine me going to the president whom I report to & say the same thing. Wah liao !
Becos she is a contract staff on project basis, she is not entitled to staff benefits as was agreed when she was hired. But she has been bugging people for free movie tix. And not everyone wants to give them to her as they want to take their families. A number of people are tired of her hassling them for tix & other freebies. She has not asked me. One day, she waylays the president, bypassing me, to ask him. Unfortunately for her, I happen to be walking by. Fortunately for him, he knows pretty well she isn't entitled but he says to check with HR. So she calls me & says she had better go through the right channel & check with me first instead of going to hr. Duh...didn't she already go by the wrong channels ? sigh
She tries to buy favours & that is scary. I dun like that. So when she gives me something, usually makan, I will make sure I return the favour so that we are even. My other assistant has also wisened up to this ploy.
Yes physically she is a little hampered as she is a bit heavy & so her legs can't quite take her weight. But she is not handicapped. There are things which we will do for her but there are things which we choose not to as we are well aware she can do it & we do not like being taken advantage of.
These & other things, been accumulative, in just a couple of short months.
I need to draw a bolder line between being friends & work. You can't mix it up. But some folks are blind to it. I need to be less nice, less accommodating & more of a bitch cos I get taken advantage of. So a friendly warning, don't fuck with me.
Lament for the day : I have had a bad day & I am not PMSing grrrrrrrrrr.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
There were weird people at the gala premiere. The general public I mean & it is to be expected. Arggghhhhh ! Everything went well. A couple of disgruntled public who weren't allowed into the private party area but it is a "private party"....sigh. One lady kept peppering us with questions, where is the star, what time she is coming, how old, where she is staying, what movie...then one guy armed with camera wouldn't go away, wants to meet her personally. Though I was taking care of our chairman, I didn't even get to meet her personally. So duh !!! I had my 5 mins of fame on the red carpet lol. Then at the end of the evening when we re-opened to the public, our buffet line was attacked by the public which was no surprise. They happily helped themselves, no invitation needed. I am sure by the next morning, our congratulatory bouquets of flowers would have been stripped naked. Then while we were hanging around waiting for the premiere to end, we saw a very young couple seated at our internet kiosk area smooching like no tomorrow. Gross lah !
Some re-org in our org structure but no shuffling. Just re-defining some sections. Not major. My department remains unchanged.
Took half day off on Friday to help hubby with kids' wall shelving. Fixed up the kiddos' new desks. Very nice. Ryan's wall shelving was done yesterday & it looks good. Moved the furniture in his room a little. Sarah's shelving will be done tomorrow as hubby is involved with NDP thingy today.
School starts on Monday ! Ryan just went off to cut his hair & I re-coloured Sarah's. She had it highlighted during the hols which isn't allowed at school so have re-coloured the whole head a dark mahogany. Turned out okay.
Gonna continue with Roots.
Lament for the day : Slight migraine...aiya that time of the month grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Monday, 18 June 2007
Then there was a new shop which was selling army stuff. Hubby says not genuine army stuff. Then we saw a M-16 rifle on one of the shelves, priced at $318. And get this, PLASTIC !!!! So obvious !! We weren't even close enough to touch but can see its plastic. Wah something from some toy shop ! Incredulous that would be priced like that.
Headed to ikea, loads of parking space...we like ! But when we got inside the store, it was pretty crowded. Ordered the tables, shelves, drawers & bought some other stuff. The goods arrive on Wednesday. Picked up a pack of swedish meatballs from their market corner, plus the sauce for the meatballs & the jam. Fixed that for dinner. Yummy & quite filling. Got sauce leftover, froze it & will use that for mash. Can have bangers & mash.
Working late tomorrow, gala premiere & official opening. I need to take care of the board & media.
Sarah needs to fix her hair colour back cos school starts on Monday. Her highlights will be too obvious.
On Saturday went to dyran & carol's place for dinner. Dyran's birthday & to celebrate father's day. I brought a yummy mango cake from prima deli...all overlaid with fresh mango. Dinner was simple, chilli dogs, lye chee from cambodia one of the friend's brought, chips with onion sour cream dip. Booze of course.
Then the rain came. So we all went under cover.
After which we lazed & the boys started to jam with their guitars. Ryan brought his amp & electric guitar. For the first time he joined in to jam. And he had fun. Now he knows how fun it can be rather than playing alone. He learnt to follow nick & dyran cos he didn't know alot of songs, cos he only plays rock. Now he knows that to jam & really have fun, must improve on the repertoire, some old songs as well as the new. And the classic evergreen songs which every guitar player must know.
Over the weekend in the newspapers, a bulgarian busker was arrested for immigration charges, not for busking. A blind busker in the same location as the bulgarian complained that the public gave the bulgarian more money than to him. Errrr hubby say...he blind how he can see the other guy got more money ???? So true lolol
SCV kena from me. On Sunday morning I called cos our new package of channels were not activated. I rang on Friday evening & was told would be activated within 24 hours. Long phone call with the customer service who was very helpful in assisting me to tailor our channels. Anyway, I called on Sunday morning before heading out to lunch.
Boo Boo One : The customer service staff asked me what packages I want & I am like HAH ??? You dun have our history meh ?? Dun have. Grrrrrrr so I repeated the convo I had with other customer service on Fri nite.
Boo Boo Two : This girl then says, due to technical problem that's why not activated. Wtf ?? If she doesn't have my record of request for change, how to have technical problem ?? So I tell her exactly that. She says she will get customer care consultant to call me. For what ??? She kena me blurr oredi lor.
Boo Boo Three : Anyway, someone did call & said will activate it by that night "since this is an urgent case". Well hellooooo...I didn't say it is urgent. I asked for it on Friday night & was told 24 hours but it wasn't done. Told her that.
Boo Boo Four : Then she says that they have record of my request for change but the customer care staff's system can't retrieve all the info. HAH ??? I said that is laughable becos SCV is cable tv, broadband & mobile.
So so laughable cos they have all this technology & they can't get simple info. Just say that it was a mistake & overlooked. Why try & slip in those SOP answers here & there. Don't gel maaaah ! Sigh sigh sigh...
Caridee won America's Next Top Model !! Yaaaaayyyy ! I dun like the other girl cos of her personality.
Long post...making up for the days that I haven't been on lol.
Lament for the day : arrrghhh I watched Congo again cos kids never watched it before. Amy is cute though.
Friday, 15 June 2007
It has been a busy week of prepping for opening & press articles. The latter turned out great ! Big official do on Tuesday night & then after that we can breathe. Will pop down to the cineplex tomorrow & check out the sights.
Tomorrow night, a party at Dyran & Carol's to celebrate Dyran's birthday & fathers' day. Its just an excuse for a party lol. Sarah is at church camp & will be back tomorrow night, in time for the party. Got her godpa a nice wine-red tie from zara. And for fathers' day, a nice biege linen shirt from there also.
Sarah got me two packs of sunflower seeds a couple of days ago. hooked on it again, butter flavoured sunflower seeds. Very yum leh.
Changed our package for cable vision & dropped the sports channels cos they have increased it too much. Plus we don't watch it much. Took up the movie & family packages. Paying a little more but getting more channels which are very interesting. It will be activated within 24 hours. Looking forward.
Watching SWAT now with ryan. Hubby is on a boys night out with old army buddies. He didn't drive.
Will probably go to ikea on Sunday to order the desks & drawers. Then to a fathers' day lunch perhaps. Or lunch first then ikea. Our weekends aren't usually planned. We just go with the flow.
I've finished reading The Good Women of China. It is written by a former radio presenter in China. She had a programme which explored the lives of Chinese women and relates tales from women who annonymously left their stories on the phone recording system & through interviews with some women. Sadly none are happy endings...different stories about how the women were oppressed, crushed, used & brutalized. The author no longer lives in China. She wouldn't have been able to pen this book if she did.
Have a friend on holiday in the US. She dropped me an email to ask if I would like anything...told her tar pau Johnny Depp & Gerard Butler lol. Have asked her to look out for the old tv series Roots. Can't get it here, only the audio CDs are available at Borders...duh.
I finally did my hair...its been almost 3 months since I had a nice trim & colour to cover the whites. Didn't realise till my stylist checked the records. Kept it much the same, just neater & no white hair lol.
Is this sentence, which is a signage, wrong & bad English ? "Please do not touch display". I had a discussion with a colleague on this. Her kids & hubby said bad english & that it should be "please do not touch the display". But I think both are acceptable. It is not bad english like something so glaring as "please do not touched display" or "please do not touching display". Straw polled a few other colleagues who agreed with me. Ah well...
Lament for the day : just been too tired & brain dead to blog more frequently.
Monday, 11 June 2007
Then went to visit nephew in the hospital as he is down with dengue. We heard later in the evening when sarah text him that his blood count had improved. Glad for that.
Neighbours' son's wedding was at Legend's. Food was not so good but that's expected of wedding dinners anyway. Enjoyed the video of the day celebrations; the bride & groom had to do funny stuff to get into the in laws' homes. Doesn't happen to the bride usually but she got saboed. Funny ! We heard all the laughter & commotion in the morning.
Sunday was company family movie day. Watched Shrek 3. Think first 2 installments better. It was funny but the "better out than in" joke is getting a little stale. Still watchable & I'd rather Shrek anytime to Mr Bean.
Browsed around gramaphone & then had a light lunch at billy bomber's. Dunno why we were so tired & when we got home, took a nap. Naps don't usually happen for me on weekends. It was only an hour but felt longer so must have been really tired. Was refreshed when we got up.
Met simon, evon & godson for dinner at jalan kayu. This place called jerry's. Pretty good. Clam chowder was yummy & so were the buffalo wings & deepfried mushrooms. Didn't order a main course for myself, just picked & that was enough. Buuurrrrrp....better out than Clovis is a cutie pie, happy duckie. Hubby finished his meal first & carried him out for a walk so that his mummy & daddy could eat in peace. When hubby came back, he said his arm numb lol cos clovis is a big baby !! And he is not even one. Takes after his daddy lol. Dessert was tiramisu & they do make a mean one ! Didn't spare on the alcohol. Simon said as good as mine with a hint that he had only tasted mine once lol. ok ok I get the hint lah wah liao.
Lament for the day : dreary mondays !
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Then yesterday I receive an email. The name was familiar but it could have been just someone with the same name. Anyway I ask. Lo & behold, it was someone I knew, an ex-colleague Fiona who was together with Shyam & me.
Coincidence or what with meeting 2 ex-colleagues in a span of a week or 2 !
The new gatsby ad is driving me nuts ! I have the tune in my head which is an old song by the stylistics. It keeps going on & on & on in my head "I will give you gatzebeee, gatzebeeeeee, gaztzebeee..." Wah liao !
Had a farewell lunch for a colleague today. Nice ! Till we were interrupted. Oh bleaaaaah !
Okay I have figured something to wear for wedding dinner this Saturday lol. Haven't dressed formal in a while so didn't know if I could fit in my nice evening dresses. Fortunately, yes. Cos Sarah can't wear them which is a pity as they are by Hayden.
Lament for the day : gatzebeee...gatzebeee...gatzebeee
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Today was busy...back to back meetings in the morning till 1pm & then the last one at 4pm. The last meeting was satisfying, sorted out some grey areas. Plenty of projects to keep me busy & that is good. Would get bored otherwise.
Popped over to neighbour's for a short visit to tell them we are attending their son's wedding this Saturday. They borrowed some of our chairs for their morning celebrations & we told them to ask us for more chairs if they need. We have nice neighbours !
Argggghhh Nets is charging a higher admin fee. Nets claims that it is how the retailers package their offerings. Helloooooo...if you are making things difficult for retailers then the difficulties are passed on to the consumer becos the retailer will include the increases in their prices. Already gst going to increase & now this. Good that Case is looking into it.
When GST goes up to 7% on 1 July, it would be interesting to see how many errant retailers will take advantage by increasing prices & yet not absorb gst.
CSI time !
Lament for the day : chronic upper back ache !
Monday, 4 June 2007

So I tried to talk to sarah just now about what happened. I still have no idea & she doesn't want to say...sigh. Now I will have sleepless night wondering what happened.
Dunno why some people so bladdy rude in their emails. One was sent to a colleague & it was rude. Then an enquiry was sent to me by the same person in a rude tone. Then I heard her complaining when I walked by. LOL. I don't really care. Office politics & bitching...its all quite normal.
Watched Just Follow Law last evening & was pleasantly surprised to be entertained. Not awed but it was quite funny.
We are now watching Royal Wedding starring Fred Astaire & Jane Powell. Sarah is into this old movies phase. This was released in 1951...even I not born yet lol.
Colleague who unfortunately has just resigned, lent me a couple of books The Good Women of China & China Wakes. I'm loaning her Roots (1977 edition) & Peaceful Warrior. I really want my Pearl S Buck books which I think are lurking in some dark corner of a shelf in my mum's store.
Lament for the day : I wonder what' s bothering her...siiiiiigh.
Friday, 1 June 2007
After we dropped my mum off, we went to vivo. Good grief! It was crowded, parking was a bitch & if it were not for some of the stores which I like, I would never bother to go. The place is huge...I got lost for a bit as I couldn't get my bearings. Had left hubby & kids at the bookstore when I wanted to pop into a store. Not many shoppers...alot more browsers.
The signages when we wanted to have dinner were of little help as they don't describe whether it is a makan place or a retail store. Then those which sounded like food places don't tell you what kind of food. It was really annoying having to walk around & around to find something which we wanted to eat. We eventually settled for carl's junior which does have great burgers. Big portions to share. We went to earle swensen's once before & it was just a glorified version of swensen's. The quality of food did not warrant the prices honestly.
Sarah picked up a couple of items from zara & I didn't cos there were no small sizes for the jackets I liked. Picked up a couple of nice tops from S & M as well as knickers for both sarah & myself. Plus their yummy sinful cookies.
Our pet peeve now is the newspaper delivery man. The two dogs go nuts every morning he delivers the newspapers & hubby found out why. The asshole would start slapping the pile of newspapers on his thigh making noise as he comes by our way at 6plus in the morning. You dun need to slap the newspapers on your thigh. Its obviously deliberate to irk the dogs & get them barking & to amuse himself. One morning after hubby found out, he stood at the window & watched. Guy didn't do the slapping routine when he saw hubby.
Its really annoying to have the dogs bark in the early hours. They never used to with the previous delivery person. It has been months with this one. I will either complain to the company's boss or just switch delivery companies. But before that, hubby intends to take bandit out on a leash & stand outside to wait for the guy. Won't sic bandit on him lah but will probably tell the fucker off.
Yes yes by all means do the job. Its an honest job. But don't be a bastard & irritate the dogs. If he continues after hubby tells him off, we may switch delivery companies or he may have to change profession.
Lament for the day : why do people have to amuse themselves in such an inconsiderate manner.